Northbrook College students lead National Gallery workshops over Easter break
A group of Northbrook College students took part in a project with the National Gallery in collaboration with children leading workshops over the Easter break.
Students, from across a variety of creative industry degree-level courses, took part in a family activity event at the National Gallery in London over the Easter break, which was part of a wider project to test ‘works in progress’ that has been shaped by children, families and community groups for a wider project that will be created by them in 2025.
The project will inform designs for new activities for schools and families, available in a self-led area in the new Centre for Creative Learning next year.
The event saw a mixture of students studying degrees in Textile Design, Costume Design and Photography work closely with pupils from local West Sussex primary school’s while they investigated ideas to explore imaginative play through the paintings at the gallery.
Dan Fullerton-Mclntyre, BA Photography Course Leader at Northbrook College said: “The students considered their individual disciplines and how they can translate the children’s curiosity in the paintings about the characters, costumes and fabrics, to design an opportunity to play and make new connections with the National Gallery.”