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Inclusion courses

We believe that every student should have the best learning opportunities possible.

Inclusion courses

We offer an excellent inclusion program suitable for students with mild to moderate learning difficulties, mental health concerns, additional support needs, or those without qualifications.

Our courses combine vocational study programs with additional learning support to build confidence, self-belief, and study skills, enabling students to achieve their potential.


If you need to improve your study skills and employability to enable you to progress, Achieve courses are the ideal stepping stone to build your confidence in a supported environment. Being on an Achieve course, you’ll receive excellent individual support from experienced tutors and teaching assistants. Working in small classes, you’ll notice that your confidence and self-esteem will grow. Achieve courses will also help boost your social skills and enable you to develop your ability to work successfully in a team.

With the support of your tutors, you’ll develop skills to help you manage your learning and be given the opportunity to develop skills in English and maths, making you ready to study on the next level of your course.

We offer Laser Entry Level 3 plus English and Maths.


These SEND courses cater for 16-25 year olds with mild/moderate learning difficulties, behavioral, mental health or social needs.

Students gain skills and confidence through activities such as external day trips, community volunteering and work experience. You will also have opportunities to try vocational courses at the College in areas such as catering, construction and music. Courses include literacy, numeracy and IT, as well as jobs search and employability skills.

Courses include laser Entry Level 1 and Laser Level 1.
